Jurnal Q1 A.L. Sidiq, O. Floweri, J. Karunawan, O.B. Abdillah, S.P. Santosam, F. Iskandar.2022.NCM cathode active materials reproduced from end-of-life Li-ion batteries using a simple
Jurnal Q1 A.L. Sidiq, O. Floweri, J. Karunawan, O.B. Abdillah, S.P. Santosam, F. Iskandar.2022.NCM cathode active materials reproduced from end-of-life Li-ion batteries using a simple
Berikut daftar publikasi jurnal nasional PPNN bulan Januari – Juni 2022 : Jurnal Q3 : Maghfirah Ainula, Fahma Farah, Lisdayana Nurmalisa, Yunus Muchammad, Kusumaatmaja, Ahmade
Jurnal Internasional Q3 Berikut daftar publikasi jurnal internasional Q3 PPNN bulan Januari – Juni 2022 : 1) Nurherdiana Silvana Dwia, Widiastuti Nurul,Gunawan Triyandab, Lestari Witri
Q2 International Journal The following is a list of Q2 PPNN international journal publications for January – June 2022: 1) Amsar Rizka Musdalifah, Wijaya Christofora Hanny, Ana Ika
Q1 International Journal The following is a list of Q1 PPNN international journal publications for January – June 2022: 1) Febriyanti, Ernaa, Silmi, Nadiatusa, Suendo, Veinardi, Mukti, Rino R.,
Q3 International Journal Note: click on the paper title to see details. 1. Afif Hamzens, Ridho Kurniawan, Damar Rastri Adhika, Widayani, Ahmad Nuruddin. 2021. Study
International Journal Q2 Note: click on the paper title to see details. 1. Nadiatus Silmia, Erna Febriyanti, Amelia Andriania Rafiq Arsyada, Fry Voni Steky, Rino
International Journal Q1 Note: click on the paper title to see details. 1. Vera Khoirunisa, Febdian Rusydi, Lusia S. P. Boli, Ira Puspitasari, Heni Rachmawati
PROSIDING INTERNASIONAL 1. R E M Sihite, F Fahma, I Sailah, M Yunus, A Kusumaatmaja, R R Mukti and G T M Kadja. 2020. Production
The Research Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology has published a book entitled Nano for Teens. This Nano for Teens book is here to provide insight into science and technology