PPNN ITB bekerja sama dengan BPPT BRIN akan menyelenggarakan kegiatan “Workshop Karakterisasi Material2023 pada Hari : Selasa s/d Kamis Tanggal : 24-26 Oktober 2023
PPNN ITB bekerja sama dengan BPPT BRIN akan menyelenggarakan kegiatan “Workshop Karakterisasi Material2023 pada Hari : Selasa s/d Kamis Tanggal : 24-26 Oktober 2023
Pusat Penelitian Nanosains dan Nanoteknologi (PPNN) bekerja sama dengan Merck dan PT. Wadya Prima Mulia, akan menyelenggarakan acara Seminar & Workshop berjudul “BASIC CELL CULTURE,
Pusat Penelitian Nanosains dan Nanoteknologi (PPNN) bekerja sama dengan Merck dan PT. Wadya Prima Mulia, akan menyelenggarakan acara Seminar & Workshop berjudul : “BASIC CELL
Asia Computational Material Design Workshop is an activity that is held almost every year at PPNN ITB. The pandemic situation has made this year's event slightly different from previous years
In order to introduce nanoscience and the application of science and technology to the public, the Research Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (PPNN) ITB through the Community Service program proposes an activity themed Introduction to Computing
Workshop which is a teaching activity of a combination of theory and practice provided by experts from both PPNN ITB and from domestic and foreign research institutions
This activity was held on April 23 2019 (09.00-16.00) with the speaker Choltirosn Sutapin, Ph.D from Bruker, PT. Arfindo Shines.
This activity was held on April 1-5 2019. This activity was attended by 21 participants, involving speakers: Dr. err. nat. Rino Rakhmata Mukti Dr. Aditianto
This activity was held on February 28 2019 at 13.00-17.30. This event involves: Prof. Kazunari Honor Dr. Augustine A Nugroho Prof. Junji Nakamura Dr.
This activity was held on February 11 2019 (09.00-11.00) with the speaker Mr. Iping Suhariadi, Ph.D from Bina Nusantara University.