An online webinar event with the title Advanced Material Characterization by XPS Technique was held on Saturday, 25 September 2021 at 12.45 – 16.00 WIB. This event is part of the Material Characterization Webinar Series which has been held several times before by the ITB Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research Center with different titles.
This activity was realized thanks to the collaboration with PT INTEC Instrument and Shimadzu Corporation. The speakers presented at this online webinar are Dr. Ali Shari'ati who is Product Marketer Photonics Netherlands and Mr. Tan Teck Beng who is Senior Product Specialist Shimadzu Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. The number of participants for this online webinar is around 125 participants.
This online webinar was opened by Dr. Veinardi Suendo, who is a lecturer and researcher at PPNN ITB. After that there were three sessions of presentation of the material brought by the speakers. The presentation session was guided by the moderator, Sarah Zulfa Khairunnisa, a doctoral student from ITB's Nano Science and Technology study program.
Dr. Vienardi Suendo opened the XPS webinar Sarah Zulfa Khairunissa, Nano Science and Technology Doctoral student, as MC and Webinar moderator
The material in the first session was delivered by Dr. Ali Shari'ati with the title XPS theory and Practice in Research. In this session, Dr. Ali explained how the basic principles used by the XPS instrument. Then Dr. Ali also opened a question and answer session regarding the role of XPS in research being carried out by webinar participants. Several participants were quite enthusiastic about the question and answer session.

Furthermore, the material in the second and third sessions was delivered by Mr. Tan Teck Beng. The title of the second session material is Kratos XPS Key Technology and Advanced Application for Material Characterization. In this session, Mr. Tan Teck Beng explained the workings of the XPS instrument which was developed by Kratos Analytical, a subsidiary of the Shimadzu Group Company. Mr. Tan Teck Beng explained in detail the workings and functions of the main components making up the XPS. Then, he also explained XPS applications in various research fields.

After the second session material, Mr. Tan Teck Beng proceeded to the third material entitled Shimadzu Solution for Li Battery Applications. Mr. Tan Teck Beng explained various characterization tools from Shimadzu that can be applied to lithium battery research. He also showed the data that can be generated from Shimadzu's characterization tool. Don't forget, Mr. Tan Teck Beng also explained some of the data analysis and provided suggestions regarding the development of battery research in the future. After finishing the material for the third session, a question and answer session was held for the participants.

The event was then closed by Dr. Damar Rastri Adhika as lecturer, researcher and head of the PPNN ITB material characterization laboratory as well as chairman of the organizing committee for the Material Characterization Webinar Series.